Introduction to Trauma Informed Nutrition for Practice, Research, and Policy 12th March


Introduction to Trauma Informed Nutrition for Practice, Research, and Policy


Date and Time: Wednesday, 12th March 2025, 9.30-4:00pm

Venue: The Gateway Centre, Chester St, Shrewsbury SY1 1NB

3 minutes walk from Shrewsbury station

Cost: £200 (includes lunch and refreshments)

Since the now-classic Adverse Childhood Events study (Felitti et al. 1998 American Journal of Preventive Medicine 14:245–258 ) there has been increasing awareness of the impact that trauma has on people’s health, behaviours, and life opportunities. Significantly, this research showed that links between trauma and diet-related disease cannot be accounted for by dietary profile. There is a robust literature elucidating the pathways through which personal, collective, and inter-generational trauma influences our thinking, emotions and body sensations. This makes understanding trauma relevant to nutrition, self-care, health equity, and social justice.

In this introductory workshop we will explore the literature on trauma in relation to eating and diet-related disease. Content and discussion will support learners working in health, academia, and community organising to link self-care and social justice through developing trauma-confident practice and agendas.

Upon completion of the course the learner will have/be able to:

1. Understand what is meant by trauma
2. Identify causal factors in a trauma response
3. Contextualise trauma scholarship including a historical overview and contemporary issues
4. Identify pathways through which trauma impacts eating and diet-related disease
5. Appreciate the significance of trauma awareness in fostering cultures that enable personal and collective healing