Health – Gain In Practice – Advanced Level Connected Eating 3rd March


Health – Gain In Practice – Advanced Level Connected Eating


Date and Time: Monday 3rd March 2025, 9.30am–4:00pm

Venue: The Gateway Centre, Chester St, Shrewsbury SY1 1NB

3 minutes walk from Shrewsbury station

Cost: £200 (includes lunch and refreshments)

This course assumes prior knowledge of, and commitment, to fat affirming care. Hence, it is for everyone whose practice, organising, research or teaching is already grounded in body respect, compassion, and fat rights through approaches such as Well Now, intuitive eating, HAES, anti-diet, health gain, health justice, food sovereignty.

While healthcare colleagues in Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere are routinely familiar with these approaches, there is a relative lack of awareness in the UK. This limits usual channels for qualified practitioners to build on entry level knowledge such as through conversation with more experienced colleagues and likeminded peers. In turn this restricts opportunity to discuss issues arising. Internationally, current issues include the in/appropriateness of teaching someone to listen to body signals when they are neurodivergent or living in poverty, and how to integrate sustainability in food choice.

The workshop addresses these gaps and is an opportunity to refresh knowledge of using Well Now (or other health-gain) activities in 1:1 work including by asking case study questions, sharing your own experiences, hearing from, and practising with, colleagues. It brings together people working around conflicted eating who are passionate about compassion and who see personal and collective learning and healing as entangled.

Facilitator Lucy Aphramor is originator of the term health-gain, marking an innovative paradigm shift in dietetic practice. They have contributed to socially-engaged public health nutrition and dietetics scholarship and pedagogy for over twenty years.

At the end of the workshop learners will have:

• Enhanced their counselling skills around conflicted eating
• Deepened practical understanding of how eating theories can support or detract from health equity and social justice
• Know how to approach teaching body signals for inclusivity
• Greater knowledge of the impact of trauma on eating and diet-related disease
• Understand what is meant by connected eating
• Understand differences between adjacent approaches and confidently assess which one/s aligns with their values